Goa Banyusumurup

Kawasan Wediombo, Gunung Kidul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta INDONESIA

The cave Banyu Sumurup is located on the area of Bentis. This cave is a large cave that has a large size on its front side, however, the further we go deeper, the narrower the size of the cave.

It has lucid underground river called "luweng". As the cave of Bentis, it can only be visited in the dry season. In wet season, the cave will be filled by the water. Stalactites and stalagmites also ornament the cave that make it more gorgeous Selain itu. Mystic stories also common stories here.

source: www.wediombo.com

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In the early of the nineteenth century, some Dutch geologists living in Yogyakarta intended to find a place for their family to spend their vacation. They went along the edge of the north area as the high land. Arriving at Kaliurang that is located on 900 meter above sea level, the "meneers" were enchanted by the nature beauty and coolness in that foot of the mountain. They finally built bungalows and decided to make the area their place for vacation.
Nature Enchantment and Historical Buildings

The trip from Yogyakarta to Kaliurang reminds us of the scenery picture we (=Indonesian people) made in the kindergarten. A mountain with the street lying in the middle and the green spread on both sides ornamented with people's houses will release tiredness in the frame of nature painting.

Covered with the breeze, even when the sun is over our head, the coolness is still felt. The air dancing through the trees and slowly going down hill gives fresh feeling to our body.

The view of Merapi Mountain gives special sensation in this area. Just like village girls who will cover their face when we look at them, this mountain will also be covered with fog when we come to see it.

Going along the west side of Plawangan Hill as long as 1,100 meters, traveling cross country, through soil path framed with trees and green slopes, and series of 22 caves as the inheritance of the Japanese colonial are some uniqueness of Kaliurang natural tourism.

In addition to its natural beauty, Kaliurang also has some historical buildings. Some of them are Wisma Kaliurang and Pesanggrahan Dalem Ngeksigondo that is owned by the Sultan Palace that used to be functioned as the meeting place of the Three Nation Commission, and Ullen Sentalu museum which part of the building is under ground. This museum reveals the mystery of the culture and values of Javanese history, especially those related to the princess of Yogyakarta and Surakarta kingdoms in the nineteenth century.
Family Recreation Area

Located 28 kilometers from the center of Yogyakarta city, Kaliurang now has an enchanting cultural and natural tourism area that becomes en enjoyable place for family recreation.

Parents may relax while keeping their children playing in the Play Ground. In an area of 10,000 meter square width, children can play swing, sliding, or swimming in a mini pool. Besides, in the play ground that is ornamented with the statue of a genie a la 1001 night stories and some kinds of animal, children can play mini cars or pass through a dragon statue by entering from its mouth and exiting from its tail.

About 300 meters to the north east of the recreation garden, there is Plawangan Turgo garden. There is Tlogo Putri swimming pool of which water originates from a spring at the slope of Plawangan Hill. Playing swing or behaving playfully with the family in the garden will release tiredness among the green forest of the forestry department.

Walking along the east side, seeing some monkeys jumping and swinging on the branches, enjoying the chirp of birds in the sloping up path of layered stones and stairs as long as 900 meters can be a little tiring, but the top of Merapi Mountain viewed on a bright day from Pronojiwo Hill will replace the tiredness with admiration. On the way to the top of Pronojiwo Hill, YogYES had the opportunity to run race with Nick (47 years old), an English tourist. I won the race, but the feeling of being united with nature was more pleasant. Mineral water sold by the drink sellers will quench your thirst while seeing Merapi that stands amidst the green spread of the forest. Binocular is rent for IDR 3,000 per 30 minutes to see the Merapi Mountain more clearly.

Arriving back to the garden, have relax at Tlogo Muncar to enjoy the waterfall. During rainy season, water will flow down swiftly.

To enjoy the Kaliurang scenery, visitors may go around by a rabbit carriage that is most popularly called sepoer. This vehicle usually stands by in the parking lot in front of the food shops. The route is going around from the east to the west to encircle Kaliurang tourism area, passing through the viewing post on the west side where Merapi can be seen clearly on bright days. For minimum of seven people, each person will be charged IDR 3,000. For exclusive trip, the charge is IDR 20,000 per person with services like those for a nobleman.

If you want to enjoy the coolness of the air and the quietness of the night at Kaliurang, there are many choices of villas, bungalows, and inns. The tariffs vary from IDR 25,000 to IDR 300,000. Some lodgings where you can stay are: Bukit Surya (most recommended), Puri Indah Inn (3-stars), and Wisma Sejahtera.

Before leaving, make sure that you buy gifts ranging from local fruits to special food namely tahu and tempe bacem (sweet, fried tofu and tempeh) and jadah (made from sticky rice and grated coconut).

The green spread at the foot of Merapi Mountain, cool air and all natural, luxurious packages will release your tiredness and refresh you from the noise of the city. (YogYES.COM)

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Agrowisata Turi

Salak pondoh is unique plant with the upper part looks like oil palm with a little touch of fern style and they look very unique when planted in a row. The fruits growing at the low stem are small in the shape and with meat that does not stick to the seed and its sweet taste is the selling point of this fruit.

In 1958, Prof. Dr. drg Sudibyo who was still in Junior High School found the way to move salak plant in order not to die. After he succeeded in developing salak pondoh in his parent garden, Sudibyo asked local community to develop it together. The plantation of salak pondoh that had to sacrifice other plants was initially refused. With his persistence, the community began to follow him. The peak was in 1988 when Sudibyo initiated the foundation of Turi Salak Agro Tourism.

Enjoying Natural Atmosphere

To reach Turi Agro Tourism, there are Jalan Palagan Tentara Pelajar and Jalan Magelang to take. Entering Turi District, the scenery of salak plants on both sides of the street becomes sensation of the village nuance after passing through rice field and gardens owned by local people.

Usually, the yard of the houses is planted with mango trees or roses. It does not apply in this area. Some blocks of the house yard are functioned as salak pondoh garden. Even, there are some houses that are encircled by salak pondoh plants, only leaving small path for small pick-up cars to bring the crops.

It is not difficult to get to agro tourism are since many signs will lead readily you. If you are still in doubt, come to local people and ask them. They will be friendly to tell you the direction.

Going Around the Fruit Garden

Turi Agro Tourism is as wide as 27 hectares land that is changed into salak pondoh garden, children play ground, fish pond and swimming pool. This tourism complex is located in Gadung village, Bangunkerto Sub District, Turi District, Slemen Regency.

After 25 kilometers trip northwards of Jogja city, a gate with the writing of Wisata Agro will welcome you. Entering the location that was opened since 1994, each person will have to pay 8,000 Rupiah. With this tariff, a guide will accompany visitors to go around the salak garden before finally take a rest in a garden where they can try salak pondoh that is famous for its sweetness. If you only want to have a look, just pay 2,000 Rupiah.

Located at the height of 200 meters above sea level, the weather is so good for salak pondoh growth. The cool air gives comfort while going around this garden. When you walk through the salak plants, you will even hear the sound of soft rustling wind just like the sea wind so that you feel like walking through a village by the seashore.

One of the main products of Turi Agro Tourism is Kebun Nusantara. There are not less than 17 kinds of salak plants in this two hectares area, ranging from superior salak pondoh, yellow salak pondoh, black salak pondoh, condet salak pondoh, manggala salak, gaing salak, bali salak, semeru salak and tanonjaya salak.

In addition to salak plants, there are also medication plants such as ginger, temulawak, blimbing wuluh, galingale, and others for traditional recipes.

Relaxing with the Family

On holidays, Turi Agro Tourism can be an alternative for the family to relax; either fishing or playing rowing boat in the pond located beside the swimming pool.

Sitting on the mattress spread at the side of the fishing pond or in the lodging in the middle of the fishing pond and eating the supplies with the members of the family while enjoying the blue skies and birds that occasionally passing by or looking at the circles formed on the surface when the fish come up will be a pleasant picnic.

If you have to visit Turi Agro Tourism by the end of the year, please do. In Novembers and Decembers this area is flooded with salak crop. Salak fruit will decorate the female salak plants.

If you want to get some gifts, you may buy them in the cooperation that provides many kinds of traditional snacks and food. One of them is salak cracker that dr Sudibyo invented to overcame surplus of salak production. This cracker is made from salak through drying process. YogYES took an opportunity to taste it. It's just delicious!

The price of salak pondoh ranges from 2,500 Rupiah to 3,000 Rupiah when it is in season and increases to 4,000 Rupiah to 5,000 Rupiah when it is rare.

There are many tourism objects in Jogja, but if you choose to make a tour while relaxing with your family, and tasting the sweet salak pondoh in the garden, Turi Agro Tourism will be the right answer to your expectation. (YogYES.COM)

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Sleman Akan Buka 530 Lowongan PNS

Pemerintah Kabupaten Sleman pada tahun 2008 akan melakukan penerimaan CPNS sebanyak 530 orang. Dari jumlah tersebut 187 orang yang diterima berasal dari pegawai honorer, 12 orang adalah sekretaris desa yang prosesnya langsung diangkat menjadi PNS, sedangkan sisanya sebanyak 331 formasi diperuntukan pelamar umum dengan jalur tes, dengan formasi 219 orang untuk tenaga pendidikan, 65 orang tenaga kesehatan, 47 orang untuk tenaga teknis.

Rekrutmen akan dilaksanakan pada bulan september dan akan diumumkan hasilnya pada bulan Oktober 2008. CPNS yang diterima nantinya akan terhitung TMT 1 Desember 2008. Penerimaan CPNS tahun ini , walaupun tenaga honorer mendapat porsi yang cukup banyak, namun belum menuntaskan pengangkatan tenaga honorer menjadi PNS. Masih tersisa 58 orang tenaga honorer, direncanakan sisa ini terselesaikan pada pengangkatan bulan januari hingga April 2009. Demikian juga dengan sekdes belum dapat semua diangkat menjadi PNS sesuai dengan PP No. 45 Tahun 2007 tentang Tata Cara dan Pengangkatan Sekdes Menjadi PNS. Dari 80 sekdes yang ada, hanya 48 orang Sekdes yang memenuhi syarat untuk diangkat menjadi PNS. Di sleman terdapat 6 desa yang tidak memiliki sekdes dikarenakan ada yang pensiun, diberhentikan, meninggal dll.

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Ayam Bakar Wong Solo

Yogyakarta subsidiary of Ayam Bakar Wong Solo was established since 2 years ago, on July 14, 2001. It is placed on an area of 3500 m2 with 1300 m2 building on it, containing a (main) pendopo building, VIP room and lesehan (relax sitting on a pleated mat). The rest is a parking area with its 75-car capacity.

Wong Solo Roasted Chicken serves various special menu of free-range chicken, beef, freshwater fish, seafood, and various vegetables together with the Javanese special dish with Indonesian taste in addition to Chinese menu modified in the style of Wong Solo.

Wong Solo Roasted Chicken Open Time

09.00 a.m. to 10.30 p.m.

You, your family, friends, and colleagues can enjoy the various special menu and the selection place.

  • Price of drink: IDR 1,000 - IDR 9,500
  • Price of food: IDR 3,000 - IDR 44,000
  • Price of lunch/dinner box package: IDR 13,500 - IDR 21,500

Wong Solo Roasted Chicken Menu Packet

  • Economical packet
  • Family packet
  • Seminar packet
  • Tour packet
  • Box rice packet

The Location choices of Wong Solo Roasted Chicken

Capacity: 10 to 150 people

  • Air conditioned room
  • Seminar
  • Meeting
  • Lesehan

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Deddy Mizwar : Puasa Itu Sehat

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - "Puasa itu sehat. Ini kata Rasul (Muhammad SAW), kata Nabi, bukan kata saya," demikian disampaikan aktor kawakan Deddy Mizwar kepada wartawan, saat menghadiri Bazsera (Bazar Sehat Ramadhan) di Plaza Semanggi, Jakarta, Senin.

Menurut Deddy, orang yang menjalani puasa akan terbiasa mengendalikan diri dari godaan hawa nafsu, baik rohani maupun jasmani.

Orang berpuasa juga akan terlatih untuk peka kepada kemiskinan dan mengasihi sesamanya yang berkekurangan, tangguh dalam menghadapi segala cobaan hidup, dan terbiasa melakukan pola hidup teratur.

"Makan pada waktunya dan tidak berlebihan. Itu semua akan memberikan manfaat besar bagi kesehatan. Allah pun memerintahkan kita berpuasa bukan untuk mencelakakan kita, tetapi sebaliknya supaya kita hidup sehat," katanya.

"Sehat di sini (bermakna) sangat luas loh," katanya menegaskan, dengan menggerakkan jari kedua tangannya membentuk tanda kutip.

Mengutip satu hasil penelitian ilmiah, ia mengatakan bahwa perbuatan rutin yang dilakukan selama 29 hari akan membentuk sikap atau watak. Nah, puasa Ramadhan umumnya 29 hari sampai 30 hari, katanya.

Menjawab pertanyaan wartawan, ikon atau bintang Promag tersebut menyatakan Bazsera bertujuan memberikan kesempatan kepada masyarakat mendapatkan pengetahuan tentang makanan yang sehat, sekaligus konsultasi gratis mengenai kesehatan lambung.

Acara itu digelar selama tiga pekan dalam bulan Ramadhan tahun ini, mulai tanggal 1-21 September 2008, dan setiap pengunjung berkesempatan memperoleh hadiah undian berupa Perjalanan Umroh ke Tanah Suci Mekah, bersamanya.

By : www.antara.co.id

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