Goa Banyusumurup

Kawasan Wediombo, Gunung Kidul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta INDONESIA

The cave Banyu Sumurup is located on the area of Bentis. This cave is a large cave that has a large size on its front side, however, the further we go deeper, the narrower the size of the cave.

It has lucid underground river called "luweng". As the cave of Bentis, it can only be visited in the dry season. In wet season, the cave will be filled by the water. Stalactites and stalagmites also ornament the cave that make it more gorgeous Selain itu. Mystic stories also common stories here.

source: www.wediombo.com



Neta Chan said...

tergaNtung Mood juga mau Ngisi apa gt.....

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